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Professional Movie director,United nations Child’s Loans unicef Ii!


Professional Movie director,United nations Child’s Loans unicef Ii!

The condition of the newest Planet’s Students 1996

) us . _ -. lfV IlXll U escort service Seattle E!AU!’+_ THE STATEOF THE WORLD’S CHILDREN1996 Carol Bellamy. JY PwblishHlfor UNICEF by Oxford University Press Contents FQrel.-oro by United Nanons Secmary.QeTlCnIlPre!aa by UNICEF I>OUIIVC DirectorImrod”’;lion 7,to eltl/Pler IChild..” In war W. “, ond civil conllo. “‘” taking . i'” loll on chi!e numbers. though impred “‘, are Dlod [,,>Ill lhe ir I>ome<. and """n,I",,< OI!lers face [hehe;g.hlonm risk (Ifdi"''''''' and malnutrition and of . Iion from lheir fllJ1lil ies. In,ema. 1 la. pn'lIl Hles l.I;lndard.. for prolccling ch;ld

n in war,111= JWld:mb mull bo vigO)l’l)llda calls for . end w!he n:a’\I;lmtll, “ndcOIls<:riplioflin)the: mililalyof cltildm! under the3j';CQr IS. for . han on the man-Ufac:1ur". L1S<' . "oOJ land-mines and for M

lO”””‘it and fln>’Cutc war crim<'S. The Agendaalso urges . ppo<1 for Iong'l","" develop. n' . rrronmi'child :IlIt'lival and deveklpmcn, revol"linn' . which. lhrough

progress and the Silu.uion of w. Itt gi’en .Regionol surnmaOcs are also provided. PanellI I I)lll:’AM Of f’I-:t.CIC TH H WOlUlli Of OlIl,DltF.” r.< FOIlMrJl Y lJ(lOSLAVIA 2 A 1>‘.1′.”””” 5Ol.uIU’ S SfOIlY3 THF. iosr lIOVS OF 1llF. S IJI1’N4 SA1G l.ANIH t L”1iSL” EL SALVADOR 6 uow SMt LANKA IllIK. res t1nL.DtU:N I’OIl PI’At’l::7 IMPAot,. 01′ W. R os CHIl,DltEN: STuDY BY HK;lI UWH . OIlOUPH V IIJ .AGf. ” ‘.o:ll’Jl SUI’fU

II<000f-Sl. Sh"TS 'lltF. I'i\CF. 10 OR5; TlIH MW ICAJ. . llV. 1t. rrrsss: A Nln"\VOIlKt'OR CUIl.OIU:1<14 GIRL'>‘ EDUCATION: A lJI’I’J.L”II ro [)f.VI’l.(lPMEl\IT 15 SocIAL O()”‘ I..

: 1995 . NI) 2000 Ted fig ure.F lO. I A NGOl.AN CIlIUlllf..’1 IN ” ‘AIl F ill . 2 1l<"DlISTR1AL17.ED CQUNttIF.S SPF.NDING MOIU! ON IIl'.ALTI I "'ND mut:ATION. WS os ",un . RYF ill . 3 PIJ8Ix SPF:NOlSll OS MIl.1TAAY II< D1cVUOPl.'lO tUlmlUES Ol1TPACF-S KF.I.lnt Fm;1lI l<1') Fl ll . 4 NP.T L" \fl'.5TM1i!l:R-5 Dl!AntS DOWN FIG. II Mi!As1.J'.S L'>I.” UNIZATlON non . “D IIOUllNO 1’Ki. 12 J’R1!>olARY SCHOOl. F.”ROI.Mr”‘ ,. RISESFIG. 13 BovslGlIlU F.J.l< Cou.'Child, may nations abideby the principle of "fi rst call for ch ildren" always-with thei r sur-vival. protection and development given high priority- in times of adversity as well as in times of bene licence. in times of war as well as in times of peace . UN1CEF has worked and has encouraged others during this half-ce ntury to make this princip le a reality. This report documents that great work. I recommend these pages to all readers. They reflect our com mon hopes and they summon us to even greater common action on behalf of the children of the world. Boutro$ Boulro$-GhaliUnited NalioTlS Secrelary-Gellerol Preface This special issue of The SIQ/II of fhl: "brld'" Child

plans ag;liMl battle as a critical ste p ten Jl’t’ Vet1l l1nd alle-viate lhc distress from chilt1ren into the equipped oonnicl. I sUet Wilh children from inside the Usually” since thcir comcrnporary predicament are boIhoverwhelming and you may unavoidable.2nd. they studies theefforts away from UNICEF sick the fi rst hal f-ccnlury Ineopc: wiih chilo drensubmerged I10l simply inconniet bul including in the quiet problems from paveny andpreventable situation. And you may II IJIows how many gcvernrrenu and you will organizations. withUNICEF support. have made

Humanitarian Action Statement 2008

wion from cvefully UiClIIbIOO swiMicaJ dala. sothai tbe ptogtess lowan:Is the ynr 2000 desires. MIopItd :ulbc 1990World Swnmil (01′”Childrm.. would be radily ..YSVd We br:liew: lbo:se: thrft chaplers expert.ick. a great senseof ..-here UNICEF features beee.of the cunmt prioritia. and you can. ten the fresh alent you can easily. regarding . here il was t . Suggestions and knowledge !Lave cbanged and you may longer dramatnlly previously the fresh JltiI SOyears. Appropriately. thus Iw our capability to lII:lb dUl

ntion on the !become Legal rights of your own Boy. That have renewed ccmmitmeru. we are going to wort during the day in the event that Statement andthe Convention llre transformed regarding stuff from failh on expressionsof I\’ulily forthe lives and you may hopes of the nation is the reason college students. This can be a1so my personal fi