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What is a BCG Matrix? India Dictionary


The scheme will be implemented by a team of five GraminDakSevaks who will be assigned a village for marketing of all products, savings and insurance schemes of the Department of Posts. The Bilateral Netting of Qualified Financial Contracts Bill, 2020 facilitates to ensure financial stability and promote competitiveness in Indian financial markets by providing enforceability of bilateral netting of qualified financial contracts. Under this campaign many activities will be undertaken throughout the year, aimed at mainstreaming issues related to elderly and to deliberate upon ways to ensure better and effective delivery of services, making full use of convergence mechanisms. The Union Ministry for Social Justice and Empowerment has launched the “Ambedkar Social Innovation and Incubation Mission ” to promote innovation and enterprise among SC students studying in higher educational institutions.

  • They are the only global legal instruments explicitly covering the most important aspects of a refugee’s life.
  • Coal mining in India is nationalized by law and the public sector Coal India Ltd supplies more than 80% of India’s domestic coal.
  • If the country was to produce 70 MT, as if expected as per NSP 2017, the employment generation could be in the range of 3 lakh jobs.

The new guidelines, called the Artemis Accords, seek “to create a safe and transparent environment which facilitates exploration, science, and commercial activities for the benefit of humanity”. NASA has laid out a new set of principles that it hopes will inform how states and private companies will interact on the Moon. According to the deal, Ghani will stay as the president while Abdullah will helm the High Council of National Reconciliation with executive authority and his team will have a 50 per cent share in the cabinet. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, and his political rival Abdullah Abdullah have signed a power-sharing agreement, which ended months of political discord triggered by last year’s disputed presidential election. China’s state-run China Power and Pakistan army’s commercial body Frontiers Works Organisation have signed an accord to construct the Dam on the River Indus in the northern Gilgit-Baltistan region, which borders China. A list of weapons or their parts would no longer be imported and their indigenous production will be ensured within the country.

In Agriculture and Allied Sector – Universal coverage has been achieved in Kisan Credit Card scheme, Soil Health Card Scheme and Animal Vaccination. Most Districts of Jammu & Kashmir witnessed growth of Food Grain Production, Horticulture produce, Milk and Meat production, poultry production, agriculture credit. The Index comprised performance under 10 governance sectors having 58 indicators with 116 data points. As of April 2021, during the various phases of Mission Indradhanush, a total of 3.86 crore children and 96.8 lakh pregnant women have been vaccinated. Manufacturers of Green Hydrogen / Green Ammonia shall be allowed to set up bunkers near Ports for storage of Green Ammonia for export / use by shipping.

IGIA: First Single-Use Plastic-Free Airport In India

It also requires that the public-hearing process be wrapped up in 40 days, as opposed to the existing norm of 45 days. The Non-proliferation Treaty is an international treaty signed in 1968 and came into force in 1970. India and France have conducted joint patrols from the Reunion Island for the first time. In other what does cow symbolise in bcg matrix words, it has been argued that thanks to the onerous legal requirements, firms dither from hiring new workers because firing them requires government approvals. These changes to the labour laws are violation of the international labour law conventions and it will create a situation where there is no rule of law.

These projects will demonstrate and deliver ready to live houses at an expedited pace within twelve months, as compared to conventional brick and mortar construction, and will be more economical, sustainable, of high quality and durability. The LYNX U2 GFCS is a Naval Gun Fire Control System designed to acquire, track and engage targets amidst sea clutter. It is capable of accurately tracking air/surface targets, generating required target data for predicting weapon aiming points and engaging target.

It primarily recognizes the policy issue of low financial protection for health for the missing middle segment and highlights health insurance as a potential pathway in addressing that. Allowed engagement of a part-time mining engineer or a part-time geologist for category ‘A’ mines having leased area below 25 hectares. The MCDR have been framed under section 18 of the Mines and Minerals Act, to provide rules regarding conservation of minerals, systematic and scientific mining, and development of the mineral in the country and for the protection of environment. Several provisions have been incorporated in the Constitution for safeguarding and promoting the interests and rights of the Scheduled Tribes in various spheres so as to enable them to join the national mainstream. The records of Notary Public will be digitized and preserved in digital form, as may be prescribed under the Rules, in order to prevent misconduct in respect of notarization and safeguard the interests of general public.

That amounts to nearly 13% of our workforce, or in other words, 1 in every 10 worker in India is a child; a child who is promised protections under the Indian Law, and guaranteed education and mid-day meals, till the age of 14 is being robbed off their rights. The amendment will ensure transparency in the appointment of chairman and members of the commission and better performance of functions and duties. As more people live away from their parents, India will also need to have an affordable social security system that provides pension to the elderly and takes care of their daily needs and medical expenses.

what does cow symbolise in bcg matrix

They make significant contributions to agricultural production, food security and nutrition, land and natural resource management, and building climate resilience. In the Northeast and Hill States category, Mizoram performed strongly in commerce and industry, public health, human resource development and economic governance. Production of these fuels by using power from renewable energy, termed as green hydrogen and green ammonia, is one of the major requirements towards environmentally sustainable energy security of the nation. Government of India is taking various measures to facilitate the transition from fossil fuel / fossil fuel based feed stocks to green hydrogen / green ammonia. The mission will improve equitable access to quality healthcare by encouraging use of technologies such as telemedicine and enabling national portability of health services.

‘Equality’ to Women could reduce Malnourished People by 12-17%

FRA Act, administered by Ministry of Tribal Affairs recognizes rights of tribals residing in forests for generations but whose rights could not be recorded. Article 23 which prohibits traffic in human beings and beggar and other similar forms of forced labour has a special significance for Scheduled Tribes. In pursuance of this Article, Parliament has enacted the Bonded Labour System Act, 1976. A notary is a person authorised to perform acts in legal affairs, in particular witnessing signatures on documents. Support leveraging of India’s expertise to benefit other developing countries for millets mainstreaming by creation of knowledge management platforms and facilitation of knowledge exchange. The study is first of its kind in the world as it aims to set-up benchmarks for reading with comprehension in 22 Indian languages.

AimIt aims to tap into the traditional knowledge and skill sets of tribal people by adding technology and Information Technology for upgradation of output at each stage and to convert the tribal wisdom into a remunerative economic activity. India is one of the few countries in the world whose Constitution allows for preventive detention during peacetime without safeguards that elsewhere are understood to be basic requirements for protecting fundamental human rights. To provide technical assistance to States and enhance their capacity to deal effectively with human rights challenges and to share best practices in the field of human rights among States and other stakeholders.

what does cow symbolise in bcg matrix

The Ministry of Civil Aviation has notified a traffic management policy framework for drones. The network now numbers 295 cities reaching 90 countries that invest in culture and creativity — crafts and folk art, design, film, gastronomy, literature, media arts, and music — to advance sustainable urban development. It also looked at the availability, accessibility and cost of healthcare facilities, and possibilities in future-proofing services in the next decade. The Index is based on three equally weighted dimensions – health, education, and standard of living – which in turn are represented by 12 indicators such as nutrition, school attendance, years of schooling, drinking water, sanitation, housing, bank accounts among others. According to the report, almost 80 per cent of the funds for the scheme have been used for its advertising and not on sectoral interventions such as in health and education for women.

NCW aims to help women farmers and Self Help Groups through scientific training and a series of practical ideas to effectively conduct extension activities in the dairy farming sector. The Commission will provide training to women for enhancing their business and encouraging them towards entrepreneurship. Airports for implementation of KrishiUdan 2.0 are selected with the aim of providing benefit to the entire country Opted airports not only provide access to regional domestic market but also connects them to international gateways of the country. Comprehensive Abortion Care services are strengthened through trainings of health care providers, supply of drugs, equipment, Information Education and Communication etc.

Indian Stealth Frigate ‘Tushil’ Launched in Russia

RPAS removes the operational limitations faced by the Indian Air Force aircraft and the heron Unmanned Aerial Vehicles at tactical level. Earlier, in T-90 tanks had image intensification systems which had its own limitations and constraints. The limitations have been overcome by use of thermal imaging sight produced by India Optel Limited. It gives visibility in both day and night and in adverse weather conditions to the soldiers to detect enemy movement and activities.

To establish reading proficiency benchmarks for fluency with comprehension for each of the languages being assessed under the study. The Foundational Learning Study will be conducted by the NCERT in all States and UTs over a window of four days i.e., 23rd, to 26th March, 2022 in the sampled schools. Approximately, schools and 1 lakh students are expected to participate in this study. Through this program, the identified GOAL participants will have access to Meta Business Coach – a WhatsApp based learning bot – that will give the participants an opportunity to learn https://1investing.in/ skills on how to build and grow their business using Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. However, if processing has taken place in the SEZ/FTWZ/EOU with change in HS Code at 8-Digit level, then the importer in DTA will require to register under PIMS, if the processed item falls under any of the 201 tariff lines covered under PIMS. The automatic registration Number shall remain valid for a period of 75 days and multiple consignments Bill of Entry shall be allowed in same registration number within the validity period of registration, for the permitted quantity.

The channel has been launched by Prasar Bharti in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic to keep viewers engaged. Microsoft has announced a series of initiatives to protect and preserve biodiversity and ecosystems globally and developing a Planetary Computer to aggregate environmental data with the help of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning . India has dropped two places on a global press freedom index to be ranked 142nd out of 180 countries in the annual Reporters Without Borders analysis. Eminent theatre personality Usha Ganguly who is credited for introducing a new form of alternative Hindi theatre in Bengal has passed away.

Impact of Climate Change on Food Security

The programme provides institutionalsupports, livelihood services, access to credit and market through its SHGs. It works effectively when there is active participation from different economies in various stages of growth. It has a strong foundational link to roles, regulations, products and services, and processes across markets. So understanding it’s functioning and assimilating it is crucial for countries like India, that are ready for next level of growth. Appropriate integration of technology into all levels ofeducation will be done to improve classroom processes, support teachers’ professionaldevelopment, enhance educational access for disadvantaged groups and streamline educationalplanning, administration and management. The general function of the evaluation is to assist understand, which brands the agency ought to spend money on and which ones ought to be divested.

The test will be based on the booklet/ training sessions conducted under the program. All the participants will receive certificates upon completion of the quiz and the top 25 participants will be provided with ‘Certificate of Commendation’ signed by NCW, MyGov and the Head of the Institute. NCW aims to create a sustainable and replicable district level model in the dairy sector which can be further adopted in the dairy farming regions of the country. The Geospatial Energy Map of India will be useful in planning and making investment decisions.